Reflect & Manifest
Make this your best year yet. Get your free Reflection & Manifestation Guide, for clarity, commitment, and inspiration from within.

Create a life you love
All it takes is a little thought and the right tools.
Figure out what means the most to you, what will make a real difference to you, and what will be a positive influence on your life.
And we’re here to help you through every step. So even if you have no idea what your goals are—don’t worry. We’ve got you.
Make this your best year yet
If we told you it only takes 2–4 hours to improve your chances of a great year ahead, would you believe us?
Designed by Co-Founder Dan and Dr Tara Swart, this manifestation guide has been used by thousands of people over the last 3 years and is yours to download, for free.
These ancient tools of manifestation and visualisation are fundamentally powerful and incredibly effective at freeing us of self-limiting behaviours and propelling us toward our truest, most authentic selves.

Want to double your chances of achieving your goals?
Did you know that if you share a goal, you are twice as likely to succeed? Seriously. So, tell a friend or a loved one, or post it on social media. Tag us @yourheights and we might even share your goal with the world. Nothing makes us happier than seeing our community reach their Heights.
If your procrastination is getting in the way of your goals, we've put together a handful of hacks to help you get on with it.
The science of manifestation
Does manifestation actually work? Is it possible to have mind over matter and change your fate?
Neurosurgeon Dr James Doty explains how manifestation works and can help you live the life you want.
Why you should share your goals
Do you have a habit of setting goals, getting super excited about them, and then just... casually letting them slip away until you forget about them completely?
Here are the fail-safe ways to safeguard your success.