Tribe triumphs - Jonathan Petrides (JP)
Get to know allplants' co-founder and CEO Jonathan Petrides.

Who are you?
Jonathan Petrides, people call me JP
What do you do?
Founder and CEO of allplants, making plant-based living easy, by delivering delightful, healthier food for busy homes - for the good of you and our planet
What's your favourite motivational/meaningful quote?
"There is no planet B"
What is/are one/some of your biggest challenge(s)?
Focus. There's only so many productive hours in a week - and while I can squeeze extra out it's also critical to work smart by ignoring distractions, empowering and trusting everyone around you and letting go, and ensuring deep focus time daily.
What's one of your proudest achievements?
I applied to university twice and despite all the requisite As and geeky extra curric I was flat-out rejected by the couple I really wanted to go to... so second time around I decided not to take no for an answer and ended up just showing up to the History admissions tutors office. Which both freaked him out and got me a place.
What heights are you trying to reach right now?
Inspiring the next billion plant-powered people. It's both the hardest and most awesome thing I've ever had the luck to dedicate myself to.
What's your top tip, for keeping your brain in tip top shape?
Moving. It's all about moving - running, footie or HiiT are my faves. And sleeping. Properly. Move, Sleep, Think, Repeat.
What are the 3 favourite things in your life right now (food/app/book/etc)
My running shoes (personalised don'cha know)
My morning smoothie (we're using Form powder atm and it's delectable)
"Why We Sleep" = definitely my book of the year (completely changed my respect and attitude towards taking sleep seriously)
What changes have you noticed since using Heights?
It feels great having both my brain food and extra supplements all rolled upto into righteous hit at the start of the day. (Also as an aside on the supplement note, that's B12 for my plant-based diet - which by the way is only reqd because these days due to food safe supply-chains cleaning all the bacteria off our food, typically w chlorine, B12 is only artificially available so we either take a personal human supplement, or eat animals who've been fed supplements).
Hear more from the Heights Tribe as we chat to eSports Sports Sensai Rosenbelle Ganan.